zaterdag 16 april 2011

Simple Soft Banana Cookies

I'm propably not the only one to find some some very very very ripe bananas in the fruitbowl.
So today we made some simple soft banana cookies.

1 cup (cane)sugar
3 ripe bananas (mash them)
1/3 cup oil
2 eggs (or replacer)
2 cups flour
1 tspn baking powder
1/2 tspn baking soda
1/2 tspn grounded cinnamon
pinch of salt.

Reheat oven on 350F or 180C. Combine all ingredients with a mixer , I used a ice/cookiespoon to make little heaps of dough on a cookiesheet.
(You can use a silpat or just use bakingpaper on a bakingtray.)
I takes about 15-20 min to bake.
I took them out when they looked slightly golden.

vrijdag 15 april 2011

Bento #4, I Heart you

Yes a Bento filled with only hearts :)

- omelet
- suasage
- cucumber
- 2 pieces heart bread with cookiespread (speculoos)

donderdag 14 april 2011

Fun in the sun

Yesterday was a nice day.

The eldest first went to school and at 12.00 I picked her up to go picknicking in our garden :)
Since it was warm enough, the kids to played outside.
(So mama could cook for 3 days inside: macaroni, carrots/chicken, nasigoreng)
How I loved it when they play outside, sometimes our neighbour kid joins the gang.
A nice garden filled with children laughter.

Our eldest daughter made "soup"

And the youngest ate the "soup"   ^_^

woensdag 13 april 2011

Bento #3, Dutch Pancakes

Monday my eldest told me that she really really really would like pancakes.
But since I already made diner I told her I make some for here lunch.

So I gave her 1 normal pancake, with a frosting heart
And 2 pancakes with raisins. Sprinked with a little sugar on top.

Also aded some cheese and a mini sausage in her lunchbox..

And when she came home.... a totally empty lunchbox  :) 

zaterdag 9 april 2011

Bento #2 a Bug

Bento number 2.
A bread roll with cheese spread. sausage. dressed up as a bug :)
Daughter told me: I do Not wan't to eat the sticks (pretzels).
And as I found out at the end of the day, she didn't but she did eat the rest :)
I also included dried cranberries and an apple (not pictured).

vrijdag 8 april 2011

Time flies, Bento #1

Where did my time go? Does it really fly?

My eldest daughter is now 4 years, and goes to school.
And propably the worst eater in the world.
She has to eat her lunch at school 3 times a week....
And since I get here lunchboc almost as full back as I gave it to her in the morning I deceide to make her lunch more special.

So here my first Bento try:
 * Brown bread roll with koekjespasta (Speculoos)
 * cucumber
 * sausage
 * dried cranberrries

She ate the chees of her bread roll, all the cucumber and some of the dried cranberries.